.Thursday, December 06, 2007 ' 2:30 pm
Leaving a lasting impression
100th POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay i would like to thank all those who have faithfully been reading my blog and supporting me... haha..
some random pictures and stuff taken recently... quite rare u will see me put this up coz i look really unglam and ugly here...
But since this is such a special occasion...u get a treat and see it. haha...

Group photo at 33rd NCO camp POP....i am supper sweaty here..so hot lo..

(NCO-POP)Rachel(BM 07/08) and I(BM05/06)

Class Mates at Komalas for a meal..

Tarsheeni, Halif, Me, Alicia, Genevievel..trip to Little India

Days before National day... we sat by the Esplanade bay playing games. haha

Dewali visitation to Preena's home!
(from left:) me, Genevieve, Timothy, Tarsheeni, Preena, Alicia

happy eating... see the prawns, there were delicious... i sacrificed myself with HIVES to enjoy that!

me, Er Hao(BM 06/07), rachel(CM 05/06)

With hakeem(DM 06/07)

Concert at Victoria Concert hall..with Khim and Terrence

Us, with 2 girls missing....

I was really hungry k!

Another group photo with 2 missing girls...(stella and jane)

"dun shy kenny, i know u love me too"

brotherly love....hehe...
my sec school graduation class outing...

Jonathan Goh, Jonathan Oh---class partners...

group pic

Felicia and I

Xiang Lin and I ....dinner at Seoul Garden
Some pics from last semester in school

The awesome 3..we did well.. Halif and Ilah...

"The designers"

Whitney and i.. i look like a plastic dummy...

Whitney, me, Melvin,.... Mel's just high on chips...

Tarsheeni and I outside lecture hall
Finally some of my sec sch graduation pictures.

Sister Victorine, me, Mum

Mdm Zaibon(band teacher i/c) and me..thank u for the opportunities..

my totally unglam made-up graduation photo...I'm "The Graduate"

Officially an Ex-HaiSian...thank u Mrs Koh...u were a great principal...
Great.... so thats some pics...haha... i hope to update more often...haha...