.Saturday, June 23, 2007 ' 11:03 pm
Leaving a lasting impression
Hi all...well..yest was not such a boring day...the HSC flute section had a bbq downstairs my place..coz amanda stays here too..so i went down to KPO after my dinner...haha..i am so full..i dint really eat much there..ok...i did eat quite a bit..haha...
ok..so here are some of the photos taken by our Dear Halif during the bbq on monday with my poly mates....(erm..dun get confused..yest bbq is diff from monday!...in case u are the blur
type and dunno wds going on)

ok so this is where the BBQ was...

ok so the ambiance was pretty alright lah..too near to the HDB flats onli...

and some of the pre cooked food done by or MR tan Zong Xiong...haha..'


Here is our life saver 'Zong Zong!" our master chef also...haha..

and ms Tarsheeni the posing as "Ms Vasantham Central"? hmmm..

ok..this pic...we were all looking to the side coz of a white and brown cat...well coz Preena is scared of cats... see her at the left of the pic on the bench? she screams like a siren alarming like a bomb threat...lol...loud!!!

ok, so when the rain simmered down we went to play ball and start the fire...and Ms Preena is still there looking out for the cat....seems like it was always attracted to us(coz of the food...or was it to preena?)

and EKA, hu came late with our drinks..coz he came back from overseas that day and kena caught for his illegal possesions..lol...still can pose! LOL...