.Saturday, November 29, 2008 ' 12:29 am
Leaving a lasting impression
Hey all...
Have i lost 'u'? I think i have.
I have been contemplating too much..taken too long and now u seem like u r fading away. And soon ur attention maybe elsewhere.
DOnt get me wrong, i am not suggesting anything.
i dont know.. lately i realised u have been getting further away. and i must admit that our distance away so far does make the heart grow fonder.
But it also means that u are more vunerable to being stolen faster.
i may be thinking too much, but i just feel like we are not communicating as much lately too. dont know why but i have a feeling u kinda know my feelings for u already? and u feel awkward too?(likely bcoz u dint expect it and dont share the same for me).. well this is kind sad and bad too..if u already know that i like u, pls do come and talk to me about it k.. ust be brave and tell me u know.. at least i am not trying to force something on myself for the wrong reasons. i really hope nothing will stainour friendship.
oh wells.. i cant just 'not like u' just like that. I'm not fully certain about why the distance between us, and i do hope it does improve. I dont want u to fade away from me.. i'm starting to fall for u more and more, how do i let something being drawn in my heart be erased like that?
Thanks to those who advised me on what to do. although its just Small kid(wei loong) and jeryl. but sadly i have put ur advise to vain.
ok, i am also starting to feel a little distant from my batch people. i really dont know why this is happening.. maybe coz we are not spending time during the day when we are in our different bands. sigh, losing frens again.. i dont want to face the whole drama about short term frens(read my older post to find out why i hate this!)
i really hope that our bond will be just as united as it was b4. i mean i dont want us to split up and feel like we had a relationship b4 and now when we all see each other, its going to be a mere "hello" only.
I know that this is nothing new to many of u(if there any in the first place) about being alone and stuff.. but the whole feeling just kind of suck.it really does. How do u put a facade outside all the time to show that nothing is wrong? it gets tiring and just wish that things were just better the way u want it..
Why cant my relationship life be better? Am i jinxed in both 'love' and frens? or am i doing something wrong all the time?
if anyone wants to comment or advice, pls do so, i do tresure advice. especially when life just seems a little blur all the time...