.Saturday, September 22, 2007 ' 12:35 am
Leaving a lasting impression
hey all,
nothing much over the last 3 dayss.
I hav been having very bad rashes lor! they appear where they want, and disappear...then appear somewhere else...today is the 4th day! and its not becoming better! dunno y..so itchy lor...
..more stuff today...haha...
so today...went to cut my hair...seems like most of my highlights are gone...well...look like its back to black..lol...its supper short..haha.....
so today is Kevan's birthday, one of my OG members from TPJC....so met Jane, Kenny, Stella(who left for tuition and came back later), Eunice and Darren. So sad the others couldnt come!(Nadine, Song Leng, Cindy, Benjamin, Wei Shi, Jun Di, Kenneth, George! , Jordan, Ryan, Rihan---i miss u all!)
.. Eunice was so shocked to see me lor...dunno y...a bit scary! haha...kidding...so we shopped for Kevan's gift..got him a wallet...
I kept disturbing Eunice about Dickson! wahaha...seems like she was super jealous of me that i was close to him! wahha....in return, i got wacked (uncountable number of times) from her Maths book! and guess wad! her book was definately not clean! coz i came out with supper rashes again! so itchy lor!
so we went to Swensens for dinner where Kevan, the birthday boi was late!...so hungry lor...haha...so funny lor.... Darren dint even realise Kenny was sitting besind him...and said "kenny? the toot toot one?" lol....and i replied"the toot toot one is sitting beside u?"
haha...lol...kenny ur not toot lol...we know hu it is..haha...
so while waiting for our food, talked, played some simple on-table games...lame....
then our food came....got a surprise visit from stephanie(one of our OGLs)
k..so had the birthday icecream cake and got kevan to remove the candles with his mouth...hehe....well...we can guess wad was going to happen...but in the end Eunice got cake on her face instead...lucky the cake was still edible...lol...
We took some pictures on Kenny's cam...so waiting for him to send me....then i will post some of it....Manz i miss the TPJC days.... here are some pictures of us and our OGLs....thanks Steph, Fiona, Melissa for an enjoyable orientation camp!

OG12!!!!! we rock mans! miss everyone!

us after a super dirty game excabenza! this is a result after rolling on a mixture of (flour, egg, tomato sauce, mud, grass, milk, and God knows wad) and rolling on mud, and wate bomb war, and did i say rolling on mud! man we stink!
"We will win the war!"
k, so it 1 am now, i should sleep soon...coz i have a full day tml..Electone lesson at 1pm,HSCAlumni Band prac in the morning, and West winds at night! man! 2 band pracs! it could be worseifi put in effort and go for NYP Orchestra prac also!..that will make it 4 music pracs in a day!!!! gosh! i will faint!!!