.Wednesday, September 19, 2007 ' 1:19 am
Leaving a lasting impression
hi all,
i'm feeling better now...no i wasnt sick...read my other posts....
yeah...not totally healed of coz...but a bit better.... i am gonna work hard in everything now...
i realised i have been slacking this yr...and i have not progressed much also...
i've decided, so its back to my old self, doing everything with my hardwork and energy, even if i means me falling sick....at least i get things done and i achieve something in my life....yupz..with this, i can sorta distract myself from the emotional strain i am going through....yah..its no point running after something when "opportunity" dosent want u to go for it.... so "opportunity", if u r reading this, dun be sad if i'm not running after u as much anymore, of coz if u come to me and give me ur hand, i will come....
ok...something else now, the last fews days, i cant help but feel like a lot of ppl giving me the silent treatment...hmms...thats just wad i'm observing.so funny lor..dunno y also.. may not be true also...maybe i'm just paranoid... hmmz...
k..i havent posted many pictures lately...hmmz...no picturesd to post also..hmmz...how about this one...

this was taken during my first 3 months in TPJC....done by my classmate YuXin...i think she had a big bag of these chocolates and decided to write our names and took a photo of it..during one of the lessons she was bored in..haha...Thanks YuXin..haha!...
k...will think about wad to write soon again..